Welcome to everyone who who lives and works in the Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Area

Our Neighbourhood Forum brings together residents, community representatives and businesses working in partnership to make our neighbourhood an even better place to live, work and play.

Key to this is creating a Neighbourhood Plan to enhance the unique character and heritage of our area.

Over time, the Forum will also be able to offer ideas and plans for community infrastructure projects to get funding from the City’s Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funds.

Join us

Sign up to become a member of the Forum and keep updated on our news and activities.
Sign up
or email us at info@bglnf.london

Who can join?

  • Anyone who lives or works in the Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Area
  • Business owners or representatives
  • Representatives of community, cultural and faith groups

Why should you join?

  • To have a real voice in the development of our neighbourhood
  • To propose your aspirations and vision for the future of the area
  • To have a say in planning and development across the neighbourhood
  • To have a say in projects for the neighbourhood that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) can fund.

The information you supply will be used by Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum for administrative purposes within the terms of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time please email info@bglnf.london

News & Events

Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum Correspondence address. 20 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU Company number 14964527. With support from the City of London Stronger Communities Fund, the Culture Mile BID and Groundwork Trust

Website design and development by HATO