Neighbourhood Planning

Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan?

A neighbourhood plan gives the local community a statutory role in the planning process in this special part of the City. We are home to world-class architecture and culture as well as being a dynamic place to live – cities need this type of diversity to thrive.

A portion (25%) of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in our area would be subject to Forum influence. Without a neighbourhood plan in place that figure is 15%. The City holds a balance of £43m of unspent CIL money. In 2021/22 CIL funds received amounted to £9.8m. In that year only £4.6m was spent and allocated and only £0.6m was spent on “neighbourhood” projects in all areas. (Source: Corporation of London)

The Forum is supported by the Barbican Association and the Golden Lane Estate Residents’ Association because it strengthens local influence by:

  1. Creating a Neighbourhood Plan (in general conformity with the City’s Local Plan)
  2. Commenting on planning applications
  3. Influencing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) spending

Neighbourhood Plan Process

Stage 1
Getting BGLNF established

  • Designation of the Neighbourhood Area
  • Building an evidence base
  • Publicity and engagement across our Neighbourhood

Stage 2
Preparing the Neighbourhood Plan

  • Drafting our Neighbourhood Plan with input from the community and experts in relevant policy areas
  • Meeting the basic conditions
  • Neighbourhood consultation prior to submitting the Plan

Stage 3
Bringing the Neighbourhood Plan into force

  • Submission
  • Publicity
  • Official independent examination
  • Referendum of everyone in the Neighbourhood Area

Housing Needs Report

As so many of us are concerned about housing, the first piece of research for the Forum is an analysis of Housing Need in the Area.

Download Housing Needs Assessment Evidence report

Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum Correspondence address. 20 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU Company number 14964527. With support from the City of London Stronger Communities Fund, the Culture Mile BID and Groundwork Trust

Website design and development by HATO