About the forum
BGLNF exists to help make our neighbourhood the best place it can be. It is by and for people living and/or working in our neighbourhood. It was formally designated by the City of London in July 2023. Over time we will develop a Neighbourhood Plan setting out our collective priorities and policies for the development of our Area.
The Neighbourhood Forum and Plan covers a designated area
BGLNF is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. It has a Steering Group made up of local people - residents, council members, faith and community leaders and businesses. This will change over time but now it is:
Brenda Szlesinger(Co-Chair), Peter Jenkinson(Co-Chair), Liz Hirst (Vice-Chair), Shelagh Wright (Secretary), Jan-Marc Petroschka (Treasurer), Father Jack Noble (St Giles, Cripplegate), Christopher Makin (Alderman, Aldersgate), Kenjiro Kirton (HATO Studio), Jane Smith (JP), Yanki Lee (educator), Pablo Abellan (architect), Will Dyson (observer, Culture Mile Business Improvement District)